[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 12/12/2003 C (8-12)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Fri Dec 12 2003 - 13:23:27 EST

Operators: akdogan akdogan ----

Fixed the serial connection of the compton laser. Enabled the compton events.
ROC-L rebooted several times without any warning or error. Could end the coda runs normally. Thus, all the runs that ended because of these reboots should be fine.

Otherwise, it was a smooth shift, until morning.

Karen and I decided to replace the ROC-L CPU with a spare one. The next time the roc-L crashed, stopped the run and replaced the CPU. After, this point the fastbus crate became flaky. The +5V shows -0.39V. When the cables behind the crate is moved the 5V appears momentarily, and disappears later. Thus, there is no question that there is some sort of flaky power cables. Karen and Chris are working on the power supply. It was, probably, this problem which was causing ROC-CPU reboots.

Thus, we stopped taking data, and there is no beam, until this problem is solved.

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