Re: [BLAST_ANAWARE] Cosmics Field and No Field, 3288 and 3310... poor results...

From: Eugene J. Geis (
Date: Thu Nov 13 2003 - 03:45:06 EST


> You need to explain what these plots are. I, for one, cannot read the
> sub-microscopic print in the title box. And while ROOT allows you to
> expand that box, gv does so only at the expense of not being able to
> see
> the rest of the plot.

I apologize for my inability to be specific,

When I sent the postscripts, I wrote:
"I have crunched the two cosmic runs and plotted the adc's in the Cherenkovs."
These two cosmic runs are 3288 (no field) and 3310 (full field)

repeating verbatim:
I have 'plotted the ADC's in the Cherenkovs.' is full field, and is self-explanatory. I, for one, do not know how to open
postscripts in ROOT... I only use gv and the zoom works fine for me. To be more
specific about the layout:

| | |
| ADC of Cher | ADC of Cher |
| L-0 | R-0 |
| | |
| | |
| ADC of Cher | ADC of Cher |
| L-1 | R-1 |
| | |
| | |
| ADC of Cher | ADC of Cher |
| L-2 | R-2 |
| | |

This is the layout of the plots. Note that all of the events in the upper and
lower right-hand spectra are pedestals and NONE of the events were recorded
where the "real" spectra 'should' be. When field is off, the "real" spectra
would actually fall through ~channel 4000. This can be seen in the left-hand
side, otherwise known as CC L0, CC L1, and CC L2. It is also apparent in CC R1
which is the right-hand middle plot. Notice in the second file, otherwise known
as (with full field on), that all signature of the typical ADC spectra
disappears and now we find that CC R0 and CC R2 (the upper and lower right-hand
plots) have reappeared in all their fine splendor. The only conclusion that can
confidently be drawn is the comparison of CC R1_No_Field with CC R1_Full_Field
where we notice that there is a severe change in width when the field is on. We
also notice when calculating efficiencies from previous H2 runs with no field
that the respective Cherenkov efficiency for R1 falls by ~35% when field is on.
 We have nearly 100% efficiency with field off. Cosmics will give a greater
proof of this change in the ADC spectra once it is consistently measured twice
with field on and then field off... That means, to be more specific, all ADCs of
all Cherenkovs firing consistently. Until then, I still have these questions
about these Cosmic runs and ONLY these Cosmic runs...

a. I have no idea why R0 and R2 look the way they do with No field... There
should be "real" spectra, not just pedestals...

b. Why did the left side barely fire at all with field on?? Is it something with
the trigger???

c. Why does R1 have such an asymmetric number of hits when compared to R0 and
R2, namely, 310k events as compared to 57k and 70k, never mind the petite
hundreds of events in the left CC's?

d. What is that strange peak in the ADC of L1, L2, and R1 in the no
field postscript? We do not understand what this peak may be.

Thanks for the love,

Eugene Geis
PhD Student, Physics Department, ASU
Research Affiliate, MIT-Bates Laboratory of Nuclear Science
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