Since there have been times when data taking has occurred with the power
supply for the wire chamber electronics cards turned off, new alarms have
been added to the alarm handler. Without power to the cards one sees just
noise coming through the wire chambers. Hopefully this addition will
prevent this situation from occurring again.
The channels are in the alarm handler under
WC_Chamber->Low Voltage Power Supply
With the names:
Left Power Supply Positive
Left Power Supply Negative
Right Power Supply Positive
Right Power Supply Negative
corresponding to the left and right sectors. If the power supplies are
turned off, they needed to be turned on by going to the south hall floor.
The two power supplies, one for each sector, are located under the stairs
to the mezzanine, in the back of WC cabinets (they are clearly labeled).
Flip the on/off switch and you should see the LED lights come on.
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