Operators: yxiao yxiao yxiao
Data taking with pol. H target (long. holding field=500A, 180deg) till 9:00pm.
All data have been crunched.
Made atomic fraction measurement from 9:00pm to 0:30am. Under several HV
settings, the total signal (MASS 1 and 2) is about 10 nA/mA with the long. target
holding field on, and about 15nA/mA with the holding field off, no matter MFT
is on or off (pol. or unpol. target) .
But the mysterious thing is that istead of what we got before (MASS 1 peak
located at I_WF=1.25A and MASS 2 peak located at I_WF=1.75A), two and only
two peaks were found at I_WF=0.85A and I_WF=1.20A , no matter the long.
holding field was on or off. Since these two I_WF's satisfy the sqare root 2
relation, it seems that somehow the locations of the mass peaks were moved.
More study about this is needed.
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