Hello Blasters,
I was just playing around with some numbers. Using some
calculations by Arenhovel, I have concluded that the tensor
analyzing power for deuteron photodisintegration in the Delta
region is near 1.0 for CM angles from 30 to 75 deg. The lab
angles will be 10-15 deg forward of this.
Using the same data that Vitaliy looked at for e,e'n but
taking charged particles with positive tracks, making a cut
on coplanarity (given by the neutron bar vs the oppposing TOF),
and making a cut on neutron theta by using TDC differences
between the ends of the neutron bar should cull out these events.
Should be about 250 events per day assuming 10% neutron
-- John R. Calarco Dept. of Physics Univ. of New Hampshire Durham, NH 03824 phone: (603)862-2088 FAX: (603)862-2998 email: calarco@unh.edu
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