[BLAST_ANAWARE] ed elastic analysis scripts checked into CVS

From: zhangchi (zhangchi@general.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Tue Jul 29 2003 - 22:46:37 EDT

Hi, this is the release note of ed elastic analysis scripts, I hope this
message also serves as a very basic documentation for the codes.

they are checked into CVS under exp/t20/edel, it requires init.C, cuts.C,
strings.C lr.C util.C to be in the same directory, though it does not use
cuts.C and strings.C, they must be presented for init.C to run. Links to
these files would do it.

I assume total responsibility for these codes. If you ever made any change
to these scripts, please do let me know. I will overwrite any changes
that I am not notified of.

the scripts that can be run are:
ed_xs.C: analysis code from lr ntuple. generate all the results
        and fill an ed ntuple and write into ed-####.root run by run. if
        writing into $ANALDIR is permitted, the root file will be written
        into $ANALDIR, otherwise, a new directory ntp will be created
        under current directory to keep all the root files.
ed_quick: analysis from reduced ed ntuple. generate the same results
        from ed_xs.C but order of magnitudes faster since information are
        already filtered by ed_xs.C and written into ed-####.root
ed.C: like lr.C, open ed ntuples so one can use them on command

The syntax is:

root ed_xs.C #### ####-#### [-unpol[=...]]
root ed_quick.C #### ####-#### [-unpol[=...]]
root ed.C #### ####-####

option could be -unpol or -unpol=... where ... is replaced by the
gas flow in sccm, and no space in between. the meaning of unpol option
ofcourse is obvious. In code, it sets target mass to 4 from default value
of 2 in target density calculation.

gas flow value in the option is rather superious, can be omitted all
the time the program will calculate an effective flow from ed elastic

I try to automate every thing that need and could be automated, the
result is that the code can be run just as they are.

the timing shift I mentioned in a previous email is taken care of
automatically. the program dynamically chooses between two sets of timing
cut depending on the run number.

the program also automatically compare the total yield of data with the
yield in MonteCarlo and calculate an equivalent gas flow.

the program also fit the data to theoretical asymmetry curve for

enjoy and have fun


P.S. If you run either of ed_xs.C or ed_quick.C, along with a couple of
figures, look for the following output from terminal:

> live_time=0.877745 Cell_Temp=98.91 target_type=1 target_mass=2
> Ligit=1e-07 target_flow=0.1
> ....
> effective flow intensity 0.794067+-0.016774e16 atoms/sec
> ....

> deuteron on left 1058 on right 1183 extra scaling 5.64184
> Q2 n1+ n1- n2+ n2- A20 dA20 A21 dA21
> 0.118437 29 54 64 72 -0.243519 0.120779 0.00892381 0.080468 0.252442
> 0.14978 321 461 409 498 -0.10981 0.0365161 -0.0286147 0.032068 0.0811952
> 0.210895 87 135 122 122 -0.149024 0.0702004 0.0629429 0.0574317 0.211967
> 0.275556 23 34 30 22 -0.124379 0.136495 0.193097 0.109319 0.317476

> ....

> charge 0 2200.02 2569.36 0 2668.56 3012.79 4868.57 5582.15 10450.7
> Pzz Fitted from Parallel kine 0.203993+-0.055596 0.0864239
> Pzz Fitted from Perpendicular kine 0.018059+-0.115299 1.97282
> Pzz Fitted from L/R difference 0.145333+-0.0518635 0.400587

they are:
protion of time when detector is alive, average cell tempreture, both are
        used in determination of target density.
effective gas flow assuming 100% detector efficiency
number of deuterons in left and right sectors,
Q^2, number of counts, asymmetry in the four bins
charge: the last three numbers are Columb in pzz+, pzz- and total

Fitted polarization, fit error, reduced chi squared of the fit

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