[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Sun Jul 20 2003 - 16:34:24 EDT

Operators: gao clasie ----

We had a smooth period of data taking with tensor polarizaed deuterium. Run numbers 1575-1577, 1579-1581, 1583-1585.

The ligit pressure should be increasing after ABS regeneration from the previous shift, however, apart from spikes in the pressure, ligit was quite constant at 8.7e-8 torr. The ABS state is currently undertermined as Hauke did not call back after an SFT scan at 12.45. All of the data since then has been logged as "unconfirmed".

The BQM's tripped twice and the Compton IOC needed to be rebooted once. One run was taken without Compton data and some runs taken without the Compton ET.

Hauke called back after this shift summary was written and the SFT was close to detuned. The data since the regeneration may be invalid as the polarization may be lower than normal. The SFT is now tuned.

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