I have been further working on the polarized deuterium asymmetry analysis.
I have attached some post-script files for your perusal. These plots were
generated using the following quasi-elastic cuts:
1) p_{missing}^{Lab} < 0.2 GeV
2) abs(m_{missing} - 0.95) < 1.0 GeV
3) abs((2.*m_{proton}*omega^{Lab}/Q2) - 1.1) < 0.5 Gev
4) theta_{proton}^{Lab,Qsystem} < 40.0 deg
Note that statistical error bars ARE included on these plots, even if
can't see them. The plots with four bins each have at least 250 counts in
each bin. The plots with 10 bins have at least 100 counts in each bin. I
have used most of the relevant runs taken in the past three weeks (up to
last Tuesday or so).
There are five attached plots:
1. S0_4bins.ps
This is the total unpolarized cross section (multiplied by whatever
luminosity factors I did not know). It is a pretty good match to the
MC plot (I've got dibs on this for a thesis topic!)
2. vectAsym_4bins.ps
This is a plot of the vector and beam-vector asymmetries.
3. tensAsym_4bins.ps
This is a plot of the tensor and beam-tensor asymmetries.
4. vectAsym_wrt_txCQ_10bins.ps
This is a plot of the vector and beam-vector asymmetries plotted with
respect to the proton's azimuthal angle in the (center of mass, Q
coordinate system) system.
5. tensAsym_wrt_txCQ_10bins.ps
Same as 4. but for the tensor and beam-tensor asymmetries.
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