[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Sat Jul 12 2003 - 08:26:04 EDT

Operators: karpiusp mcilhany ----

This part was accidentally left off the A-shift summary for 7-12-03:

0205 - Situation got worse again and Brian ORourke was called in.
0300 - Target temperature has steadily been rising since midnight. Currently
       at 140K. Called Genya Tsentalovich about what to do. He suggests
       checking that the target cell compressor is working - ACCESS - it was.
       Set point on target cell controller has been set at 100K the whole evening.
       The %power of the heater has been randomly jumping around from 0% to 100%.
0400 - After Brian's initial analysis, nothing wrong could be found except that
       LIGIT and IG103 and IG104 were high. He suspects that the target cell is
       to blame.
0415 - Call put into Ernie Ihloff about suggestions. He suggests heating cell
       to 300K. ACCESS - comrpessor to target cell turned OFF. Target cell
       controller setpoint set to 300K. Now we wait a few hours until cell is
       heated and presumably the ice that is suspected to be on the cell is
0750 - Still heating up cell, currently around 255K. Plan is to reach 300K and
       then cool it back down to 100K, with the hopes that remocingthe ice layer
       will have solved the problem.

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