Re: [BLAST_SHIFTS] how do i get access to the WC hits corresponding to tracks?

From: Tong-Uk Lee (
Date: Sat Jun 21 2003 - 09:03:25 EDT

Chris Crawford wrote:

> hi aaron,
> unfortunately with stl, there is no easy way to write a root script
> to do this, but you will find a couple of examples in BlastLib2 (v2):
> looks at hits in a stub which crosses between two cells,
> and looks at to coincidence hits in two adjacent cells, same
> layers. to use them: 'make wc_bnd wc_hit; wc_bnd 3070' it will
> produce a root ntuple file bnd-3070.root, which you can analyze using
> normal methods.
> hopefully you can modify this script for your own purpose. you may
> want to talk with eugene, who has been working with these.
> --chris
> Aaron Joseph Maschinot wrote:
>> i'm trying to do a WC efficiency study. to do so, i need to have access
>> to the list of hits corresponding to each track that successfully gets
>> reconstructed (i also need the list of corresponding keys for each of
>> the
>> hits). does anyone know how to access these values? i'm pretty sure it
>> should be done through the TBLTrack class somehow.
>> aaron

TBLWc1HitContainer fills the following variable to ntuple.
If you need, you can add more variables to the ntuple if you want.

void TBLWc1HitContainer::operator<<(TBLWc1Histogram &hist) {
  for (multimap<const Key, TBLWc1Hit>::iterator it = begin();
       it != end(); ++it) {
    int la = layer((*it).first); //decode key to obtain layer
    int ce = cell((*it).first); //decode key to obtain cell
    int su = superlayer((*it).first); //decode key to obtain superlayer
    int ch = chamber((*it).first); //decode key to obtain chamber
    int se = sector((*it).first); //decode key to obtain sector
    int tdc = (*it).second.gettdc(); //get tdc
    float time =(*it).second.gettime(); //get time
    float dist = (*it).second.getdistancep(); //get unsigned distance
    hist.h1[0]->Fill(tdc); // Fill 1 d histogram
    hist.h1[1]->Fill(time); // Fill next 1 d histogram
    hist.h1[2]->Fill(dist); // Fill next 1 d histogram
    hist.nt->Fill(se,ch,su,la,ce,tdc,time,dist); // Fill ntuple


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