[BLAST_SHIFTS] run plan and warnevent

From: Tancredi Botto (tancredi@mitlns.mit.edu)
Date: Fri Jun 13 2003 - 20:30:38 EDT

We continue to take data with an unpolarized target and spin flipping
the abs for false asymmetry. For these data we still have non ideal
statistics after reconstruction which affects our accuracy in the
determination of the false asymmetry (after reconstruction)

Note that a higher precision mass flow controller (flow max 1 SCCM)
has been installed for hydrogen. It is extremely important that this
is operated always at the same flow. So please keep good track of it,
noting the setpoint and ligit.

If there are wch problems contact the wch people.

About warnevent:

The statistics reported in the yellow warn window is (has always been)
accurate. If it says no scaler/physics/epics events, then there are no
scaler/epics/physics events at ET and in the file.
Sounds must be acknowledged.
If there are no compton events, the program will warn you but not emit a
sound. Also, there are *cumulative* statistics about the number of
physics 0/1/2 trigger accumulated so far, i.e. those are not reset every cycle.
When all is well, they should update. Else you are not taking data.

A warnevent cycle has a duration of 10 s. It can be easily modified from
etSpy/src/new_warn.cc. However if you do so, you MUST do a make install
to see changes.

Warnevent will be silent during a HV trip, the epics alarm handler will
beep. It means you are not taking data

Warnevent is silent also during fills. In other words is always silent
when the beamgate has been put off

However, warnevent may need one or two cycles at the beginning of a run
before statistics actually appear at the ET

Warnevent is stopped/restarted at every end/go

Warnevent and compton

If you run compton by doing "polcontrol" it will attempt to send data
to the ET.

The ET may hang, at which point warn event will then complain

For this period you can simply run compton by "polcontrol -et". Note
compton has to be kept in sync by hand anyways. We only lose the added
convenience to have compton events in the coda file

Warnevent and Cerenkov

Warneven is only meant to be operated when you do a physrun
and you use the epics hv_controls, since it depends on the epics
hv master gate.

If you do a calib or pedestal run then warneven will not start
and you are ok. In this case, you can use any hv program or what
works for you.


To eliminate warnevent delete this file


Tancredi Botto,  		phone: +1-617-253-9204  mobile: +1-978-490-4124
research scientist		MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av    Middleton MA, 01949

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