[BLAST_ANAWARE] Compton data in coda

From: vitaliy ziskin (vziskin@mit.edu)
Date: Tue Jun 10 2003 - 13:29:28 EDT

Hello all,
I was able to recontruct compton data from coda data stream. For that I
changed TCodaRead and TBLRaw to hadle these types of events. I used
methods written by other people (since I never make anything of my own)
in Physics.cc (compton account). The file that handles the
reconstruction is called TBLComptonRecon.*. All these changes and
additions are checked into the cvs. I editted (per TB's suggestion)
charge.C to provide us with the everage polarization for each helicity
state. This file's name is charge_vz.C. Use it with runs that have
compton data in them and if you like them you can make it a standard
charge.C. Since the target is flipped on a lot shorter time scale than
compton daq, it is not reazonable to expect to have an average beam
polarization for each target helicity state. On the other hand I see no
reason to believe that beam polarization changes with target helicity.
 I ran charge_vz.C for run number 734 and the result I got was:
average beam polarization:
(+) 0.61906 +/- 0.223207 (-) -0.670082 +/- 0.197223

Bill, can you verify this for consitancy. Also, I have not found a
consistant way of handling the errors yet (can't find Bevington) so they
might change.


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