_ It is reasonable to say may have an asymmetry (1st attch) in the data of
this weekend. The reason is that we see a systematic "sign" change in
all data points when we change on spin state (compare blue/red vs black in
each panel). Actually it is quite convincing when you compare to the
expected asymmetry (2nd attachment) and you ideally move the lowest
theta point to zero, scaling all other data points (of the same
color) rigidly. (panels: A1..A4)
_ but we also have a normalization error.
_ Note that the cumulated charges below are nearly all the same in all 4
states. The issue discussed previously and related to the beamgate has
been solved and contributes very little
Scaler charge (C) BEAM/TGT-VECTOR states BEAM/Unpol
(+/+ +/- -/+ -/-) (+/u -/u)
beamgated 1373.71 1381.06 1372.73 1375.27 0 0
- There was indeed a sign change in the beam helicity but is only an
artefact of the analysis. See cuts.C
- Other candidates for a bad normalization are: the target intensity
in +- state, the target polarization in target +-, the beam polarization in +- states
and perverted problems in the analysis.
_ Possibly running for fixed spin states will help clarify the issue as
well as running for false asymmetry data.
- The third attach is the data selection. Used cuts
-c truew_elas -c padcq -c lvtime -c zlrw -c coplaw_tight
705-709 711-718 720 723-727 730-735 737-744 746-749 751-761 763-768 772 774-775 778-779
Tancredi Botto, phone: +1-617-253-9204 mobile: +1-978-490-4124
research scientist MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av Middleton MA, 01949
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