i have tagged a stable version of the blastlib, v2_18, which was used
for the results presented in the wednesday meeting. here are some of the
new features:
* New version of TOpt which uses 'blastrc', 'blastrc.mc'
to store user options, used in every constructor.
* Fixed infinite loop in TBLSimTrack.
* Using 'bgrid2.blast' with the measured fieldmap.
ntuples from the fall runs have been crunched in the analysis directory
"/net/data/1/Analysis/commis/v2_18" i've attached some wc resolution plots.
here are the improvements in track parameters (offset and rms) in
going from the analytic field to the measured field map:
runs 3063-3109
mean: p=46%, th=32%, phi=46%, z=70% -> 49% improvement
sigma: p=-5%, th=23%, phi=35%, z=22% -> 20% improvement
runs 3200-3110
mean: p=40%, th=15%, phi= 9%, z=54% -> 19% improvement
sigma: p=-.1%, th=17%, phi=17%, z=14% -> 12% improvement
the things to fix in version 2 before moving on are: an improved fast
fitter from wang, and recalculated t0 offsets from doug/tong.
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