hi Aaron,
This happens when the permission on the *actual CVS tree* are set
incorrectly. This sometimes happens, I think it has to do with the
standard permissions of the person creating the file.
To fix this, some one with the proper privilege will need to make sure
the ownership and access privileges of exp/t20 and exp/t20/edel are set
properly (chown :blast *;chmod og+rw *)
Hope that works,
On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 20:44, Aaron Joseph Maschinot wrote:
> Hello, all:
> I just tried to checkout a completely new copy of the entire CVS
> repository (via the "cvs co ." command). Some of the directories copied
> successfully; however, then the following error came up:
> cvs checkout: Updating exp/t20
> cvs checkout: Updating exp/t20/edel
> cvs checkout: failed to create lock directory for
> `/home/blast/cvsroot/exp/t20/edel'
> (/home/blast/cvsroot/exp/t20/edel/#cvs.lock): Permission denied
> cvs checkout: failed to obtain dir lock in repository
> `/home/blast/cvsroot/exp/t20/edel'
> cvs [checkout aborted]: read lock failed - giving up
> Does anyone know what this means and how to fix it?
> Aaron
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