[BLAST_SHIFTS] shifts summary 20th C

From: Chi Zhang (zhangchi@MIT.EDU)
Date: Sat Dec 21 2002 - 00:03:31 EST

Got beam at about 22:00. Take Deuterium data.

Noticed lWCHV tripped at 20:40 or a bit earlier, D-tunnel access at 23:30
to reboot the cate.

init.C won't chain edp-????.root together. Wrote ncc.C to do basic plots
from edp-????.root. unfortunately the ntuple itself is still called eep.
only the file name is different, basic options:

root ncc.C run#-run# run# run# -d run#-run# run# run#

you can supply hydrogen runs after -d to compare for instance.


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