[BLAST_ANAWARE] (a)symmetry results runs

From: Chris Crawford (chris2@lns.mit.edu)
Date: Wed Dec 18 2002 - 14:04:24 EST

hi pete,
  here are the variables that are set in 'init.C' (pulled from the
beginning of that file)
the one you are interested in is `runlist[maxsets]'
--good luck, chris

  int debug=0;//debug flag; 0 = 'debug off', 2 = 'debug on'
  TString ntuple=gEnv->GetValue("ntuple", "eep"); //use `eep' by

  // script sets these variables for further use:
  enum side_t {left,right};
  enum pmt_t {top,bottom};
  const int maxsets = 16; // maximum allowed datasets
  int nsets; // number of datasets specified on command line
  TChain* chain[maxsets]; // used as ntuple for each dataset
  TCut cut[maxsets][2]; // cuts for each dataset and side (proton)
  TString runlist[maxsets]; // legend for each dataset
  TString cutname[maxsets]; // legend for each dataset
  TString* canvas_title=0; // canvas title
  bool show_legend = false; // flag to display legend
  bool normalize = false; // flag to normalize datasets
  bool scale_hist = false; // draw all histograms to same scale
  int nevents = 1000000000; // number of events to process
  int opti=-99999, optj=-99999, optk=-99999; // generic options for

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