Re: [BLAST_SHIFTS] 11/09/02, shift a: continued

From: Adrian T Sindile (
Date: Sat Nov 09 2002 - 09:39:33 EST

> we ran across a trigger issue. using the "elastic_tof_last8" trigger, no
> signals were coming in the first 8 tof's. however, when we switched to
> the "elastic_tof_first4_last8" trigger, we did get signals in the first
> four tof's. the odd thing is that these two triggers have the same
> trigger at least as far as the first four tof's are concerned. thus, they
> should either both be receiving signals or else both not be recieving
> signals.

Chris and I realized after analyzing the bit pattern of the MLUs that
there were conflicts in the elastic_tof_last8 trigger settings.
Basically the MLU adresses get overwritten when you have lines in X-mode
corresponding to the same pattern - this is very subtle and can be easily


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