We began taking data with the elastic_tof_last8.settings trigger and the
BLAST field on. The runs were:
Run #ev Cer threshold
2631 125k 25mV
2637 200k 25mV
2638 280k 45mV
2639 415k 65mV
Run 2631 was ended by a problem in the ring vacuum which tripped the beam.
This was fixed after about half an hour, however, CODA was difficult to
start back up again and visual_scalar had errors. BlastROCr went to
sleep. Chi power recycled the crates, restarted CODA and this seemed to
After run 2639, we raised the Cerenkov voltages by 10% and then began
ramping the Cerenkov thresholds again:
Run #ev Cer threshold
2640 72k 25mV
Run 2640 was ended by a quadrupole failure 20min before the planned CCR
hall access. The hall access was then made at 6.40am instead of 7am to
overlap with the work on the quadrupole. As instructed by the CCR we
turned off the wire chamber HV, hydrogen flow and the BLAST field. These
will need to be turned back on to continue this study.
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