[BLAST_ANAWARE] documentation of ~blast/commis/phase2/utils

From: Chris Crawford (chris2@lns.mit.edu)
Date: Wed Nov 06 2002 - 16:09:58 EST

hi everyone,
  the documentation for the init.C macros, can be found in the file

cbc 2002/11/06

DESCRIPTION: This directory contains utilities which may be used for
  raw data in the form of ntuples. Each file contains a more detailed
  description preceding the source code.

  ntuple.C - create ntuples from raw coda datafiles
  init.C - chains together "eep" ntuples, and applies cuts,
                  selected by the user w/command-line options.
                - other macros can be based on `init.C'
  ntp.C - variant of `init.C' to use "ntp" ntuples.
  cuts.C - a set of predefined cuts for use in `init.C'
  util.C - higher level functions for histogramming
                  the chains set up by `init.C'
  Cleanup.C - hack for histogram leak in libBlast.so
  CodaRead.C - ???

Each of the files is well-commented, and in addition, you can type 'root
--help init.C' you get a description of the command-line options.

blast05:~ 16:01> root -l -H init.C
root [0]
Processing init.C...

 Useage: root [-b -l -q] macro.C
           [-n num_events] [-title 'title'] [-legend] [-norm] [-scale]
           [-c cut1] [-c cut2] ... range1 [-d [-c cut2] [range2]] ...
   -n num - limit each dataset to 'num' events
   -title title - canvas title
   -legend - put legend in histograms
   -norm - normalize subsequent datasets to first one
   -scale - draw all histograms to same scale
   -i|j|k val - generic integer options for use in scripts
   -d - separates datasets
   range - list of run numbers or ranges, eg. 102 103-105
   -c cut - add cut to current dataset, where
                   '%' specifies the proton side (either 'l' or 'r')
                   '$' specifies the electron side ('l' or 'r')
   -c - no cuts

For a really simple example of how to use 'init.C' in your scripts, Ben
wrote a small script 'show_adc.C' which displays 4 canvases of TOF
spectra and 2 canvases of cerenkov spectra, in about 13 lines of code.

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