Phase2 is pretty clean right now. I added ./utils to the root path (in ~/.rootrc)
which is a change you may want to do on your machine as well if you to keep the
same directory structure. All parameter files are in Blast_Params that now we must
back up (..). The path to Blast_Params is automatically loaded and changing that
in a working macro should be considered as illegal. Talking with other analysis
people is a better way to catch up other than confusing their "standard" code. Expert
code (like in utils) is conveniently out of the way.
It is pretty easy to guess what the following macros do
<blast@spud4:456> ls -ltr *.C
-rw-r--r-- 1 blast blast 1892 Nov 4 2002 show_adc_tof.C
-rw-r--r-- 1 blast blast 1652 Nov 4 2002 show_adc_cc.C
-rw-r--r-- 1 blast blast 2725 Nov 4 2002 ep_counts.C
-rw-r--r-- 1 blast blast 1039 Nov 4 2002 adc_adc.C
-rw-r--r-- 1 blast blast 7660 Nov 4 2002 cc_eff.C
-rw-r--r-- 1 blast blast 10393 Nov 4 2002 ntuple.C
-rw-r--r-- 1 blast blast 8390 Nov 4 2002 ntuple_mc.C
-rw-r--r-- 1 blast blast 4941 Nov 4 2002 show_protons.C
-rw-r--r-- 1 blast blast 2653 Nov 4 2002 scaler.C
A non-expert user does not want to see much more than that... (!!) We are
working with cc_eff.C while tdc_offsets.C has been moved to ./devel (pk
see bottom). Will add show_coplanarity.C, show_some_more.C and will (re-hear)
about util.C syntax on wednsday. Until the end of commissioning there
is no reason to dramatically change this structure.
I took the liberty of updating scaler.C to allow analysis of more runs.
In addition I stored away lower level or seldomly used macros in subdirs
<blast@spud4:383> ls macros/
Count.C dump.C paddles/ retime/ unsubtracted/
just move to that directory and yes they will work (at least, it does to
me). These subdirs will also be documented.
There is also a *devel* directory (YOU MUST USE THAT UNTIL 100% SURE YOUR
CODE WORKS) and there is a *results* directory. Presently in devel there
is ntuple_branch.C (that requires discussion) and tdc_offsets.C
There is still some work to do. First, I may have done soemthing bad. Handy
command line options are not consistently used. Macro description is at best
very scarce. Finally, I wish somebody would like to step up and take
extra-credit for a manpage. That's great if you want use that to catch up
with analysis.
other stuff..
ntuple_mc.C may be broken / old
ep_counts.C (compares with montecarlo) is it ok ?
* Note about tdc_offset. We need it like water but
it does presently NOT work since it assumes a on old blastlib (?),
can you check line 60, "scRecon << raw;" and possibly consult with a
blastlib-demolition expert ??
-- ________________________________________________________________________________ Tancredi Botto, phone: +1-617-253-9204 mobile: +1-978-490-4124 research scientist MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av Middleton MA, 01949 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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