[BLAST_SHIFTS] syntax to create new cuts

From: zhangchi (zhangchi@general.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Sun Oct 27 2002 - 16:20:57 EST

Hi, here's how you will implement additional cuts in tof_eff.C and

denom[i] and num[i] stands for denominator and numerator in the
efficiency. right now, denom is a triple coincidence of start
counter(TOF_HIT(0,15)), small pad(TOF_HIT(0,i) with i=8-11), and
CC(CC_HIT(0,1)), plus some other cuts to clean up the data. num[i] is
denom[i] in coincidence with the corresponding tof paddle.

if you want to add to them, you can do:
        TBLCut additional("..."); // the string is the content of the cut,
                                  // typically will be a logical
                                  // expression involving some entries in
                                  // commis ntuple.
        denom[i] &= additional; // also have |= , ^= ( && (! ...))



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