[BLAST_SHIFTS] student shifts

From: John Calarco (jrc@einstein.unh.edu)
Date: Tue Oct 15 2002 - 21:57:07 EDT

This is a message to BLAST students and their advisors. We are in
the midst of commissioning BLAST (just in case you hadn't heard)
and we are in desperate need of students to take shifts. I have
recently sent out another request for volunteers for shifts for
later this week, with the usual lack of response. Following is a
list of shifts by graduate students on BLAST for the last 7 weeks.

Sindile 18
Karpius 17
Filoti 16
Degrush 13
Maschinot 9
Crawford 8
C. Zhang 6
Meitanis 5
Xiao 2
Seely 2
Ziskin 2
Clasie 0
Y. Zhang 0
Stave 0
(Burton 0) but I think Richard said he was no longer in the program

The message is clear. A few students are carrying the load for the many.
It is time for advisors to kick some grad student butt, or decide they
are no longer interested in theses on BLAST. We need people on shift if
we are going to successfully commission this detector. Please see my
earlier message: there are 4 weekend shifts lacking any volunteers.

John R. Calarco
Dept. of Physics
Univ. of New Hampshire
Durham, NH 03824
phone: (603)862-2088
FAX:   (603)862-2998
email: calarco@unh.edu

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