Still taking more wire target data with the field on.
Genya changed the integration time for the lifetime calculation from 1
min to 10 s. This helps a little in using the lifetime to control the
wire data rate since before the lifetime had lagged changes in the data
rate by 10-20 seconds. At 12:30, Genya used the wire to look at blast
under high data rate conditions by running with high current (50mA),low
lifetime (1 min). I was worried that this would increase the space
charge effect but the wire chambers did not show obvious S/B
The following runs were taken with the field on and elastic_tof_wire as
the trigger.
Run Built Events S/B
2147 50K 3:1 or Better <--run
started by Nik and Tong
2149 100K 3:1 or Better
2150 44K 2:1 or Better
2152 55K Better than 2:1
All peak currents for sense wires remained below 1uA throughout the
night. About 1 in 7 of the events appear to be coming from the target,
compared with 1 in 25 with the field off.
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.2 : Mon Feb 24 2014 - 14:07:28 EST