All data with field on, part of shift devoted to compton and Wch.
_ Max current 40 mA. Since lifetime still good (10 min), I increased
gas flow to 2.0 sccm (lifetime ca 5-6 min)
_ analysis of L-R R-L data shows that most of the asymmetry actually went
away when the CFD threshold was lowered to 20 mV. However, R4 and L5
paddles are likely to be still inefficient.
_ Took singles data (backward protons) to check on front paddles. Analysis
in progress, the inefficiency seems very high. More to do on this weekend
Will try both a normal and a low threshold.
_ Wch cards overheat with magnet on. Wch can not operate.
_ We need a lot more data with field on, low CFD thresholds, 2.0 sccm
(trigger any_coincs_lowt) in order to study L/R more in detail and Q2
dependence. Compare to MC results forwarded (next email)
_ To all shift people. There is a runplan and a logbook in the counting
bay. Please read all of it. Tomorrow I'll be available by nextel (?)
-- tancredi
Tancredi Botto, phone: +1-617-253-9204 mobile: +1-978-490-4124
research scientist MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av Middleton MA, 01949
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