BLAST elog up and running

Date: Fri Jul 19 2002 - 17:07:48 EDT


The electronic notebook is now up and running. With this email are
instructions by Ehsan on how to set up elog on your account. Once you set it
up, I made a webpage, on how to use it
for a shift. For these next few days it might be good to write in the
electronic notebook and the actual logbook, just till everyone is comfortable
with the elog. Essentially, we are doing the same thing on the internet as
we were with the logbook, just different paper. Have a good weekend,

Electronic Logbook Installation Instructions
For Linux

1.) Copy the InstallLinux4.5.bin file to your local directory.

2.) Type the following command: sh ./InstallLinux4.5.bin

3.) After installation is complete, copy the eln.ini file from your
local directory to your .netscape directory

4.) Open Netscape and go to:

You can bookmark the page for quicker access.

For directions on use, refer to the instruction packet. For extras, see
Ehsan Farkhondeh.

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