I reversed the invocation of KIVERT (which calls the vertex-defining
subroutine) GSVERT in blast_proc.f, and of the event generators. This
allows one to define the vertex first within the generator, rendering
the call of GSVERT from blast_proc.f is ineffective (as suspected below,
it is stored, but not used). If you never modify the vertex from within
the generator, the usual VERT command in the fort.?? should still work.
I tested the change, but let me know if there are problems.
> Hi,
> I would like to override the vertex information in blastmc by re-invoking
> GEANT's vertex-filling routine GSVERT from the event generator. I tried
> something like
> float vert[3] = {0, 0, 0};
> float ubuf[3] = {0, 0, 0};
> int ntbeam, nttarg, nubuf, nstored;
> ntbeam = nttarg = 0;
> nubuf = 3;
> gsvert_(vert, &ntbeam, &nttarg, ubuf, &nubuf, &nstored, 3, 3);
> which I thought would be the best candidate, but it does not work.
> Note that nstored returns 2, which leads me to believe that another
> vertex has been stored, but the first one is still used.
-- Simon Sirca MIT-LNS, Room 26-402 Tel: +1 617 258-5438 77 Massachusetts Avenue Fax: +1 617 452-5950 Cambridge, MA 02139-4307, USA URL: http://pierre.mit.edu/~sirca
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