Hello Blasters,
To put in my 2 cents.
As a systems administrator of a pile of computers, I do NOT want users
to write into the /usr/local directory. I think that /usr/local should
be reserved for installations of software by a system administrator. Now
I realize a lot of you are sysadmin on your own box, you can do what you
BUT, what if 2 (or 3 or 4) different people want to run slightly
different versions of BlastLib on the farm?
I think we can quite simply fix the configure script to install
everything in the "run" directory. This system works quite well. If this
does not work for you, you can tell configure where you want it. But I
would put the default to either ../run or ~/bin/Linux and ~/lib/Linux.
The latter two are fairly standardized targets for multiple platform
On Thu, 2001-10-18 at 10:25, Ed Six wrote:
> In the previous message, I was assuming the binaries are installed in
> /home/blast/blast/bin and libraries in /home/blast/blast/lib.
> Putting things in /usr/local... is problematic since you will end up with
> different versions on different machines. But then again, /usr/local...
> is faster. Is there a way to update /usr/local on all machines at once?
> Ernie is probably responsible for this. Which reminds me, we need mysql
> on all machines.
> My two cents,
> Ed
> --
> ___________________________________________________________________
> Ed Six Postdoc
> MIT-Bates Linear Accelerator Center edsix@mit.edu
> 21 Manning Ave. tel: (617) 253-9217
> Middleton, MA 01949 fax: (617) 253-9599
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